Welcome to the NIP Treatment Center

The Treatment Center at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies Training Institute (NIPTI) offers both in-person and telehealth individual psychotherapy and EMDR trauma treatment at a fee based on consideration of your income, expenses, and insurance coverage. Therapist training is anti-racist, LGBTQIA-affirmative, and culturally sensitive. For more information about our fees, please consult our Fees Page.

In the past the term “psychoanalysis” often conjured up a picture of a patient lying on a couch with a largely silent analyst sitting out of view behind them, listening to their “free associations.” Psychoanalytic psychotherapy has undergone a profound transformation since that time. Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis, which is what is studied and practiced at NIPTI, emphasizes that we all live and develop within social relationships. Our version of effective therapy is based on helping people with their problems depends on building connections and relationships.

As an outpatient facility that is attached to a training institute, NIPTI is unable to offer emergency/crisis intervention or medication management. However, we do provide referrals to off-site psychiatrists who then consult with our therapists.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for an initial consultation, please select the service below: